

Stage Water height.
Electrical Conductance The ability of an electrical current to travel through water.
Specific Electrical Conductance The ability of an electrical current to travel through water at a fixed temperature, often 25 degrees Celsius. Due to the dependence of electrical conductance on temperature, specific electrical conductance is used to compare waters of different temperatures.
Grab Sample A water sample collected at one point in time.
Barometer An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Hydrograph A graphical representation of a flow rate over time.
Rising Limb For an individual storm event, the portion of the hydrograph where flow rates are initially increasing.
Falling Limb For an individual storm event, the portion of the hydrograph where flow rates are decreasing after the rising limb.
Diurnal Relating to a daily pattern.
Water Temperature The intensity of heat in water, often expressed in the units of degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.